As the amount of 999 calls increases, emergency services are keen to encourage people to ensure that all their house signs can be clearly seen from the road.
How visible your house sign is may not be something that you have ever given any thought to but the recent pleas by the emergency services for clearer house names and numbers suggest that it is something that you should consider.
Studies suggest that over the last decade the amount of 999 calls have increased and with more housing developments being planned and realised, they look set to continue rising. It is for this reason that the emergency services are continuously striving hard for ways to improve the efficiency and speed of the service that they offer and they are concerned that vital seconds, and even minutes, are being lost in the speed of their emergency service by the fact that they often find it difficult to see house signs. As a result they have issued a set of guidelines to ensure that the house names and numbers are more clearly visible, which we have briefly outlined below:
1) Make sure the house signs can be seen from the road by ensuring they are at least 80mm/3.5 inches tall.
2) If possible place the house sign on a wall or gate post next to the road rather than on the door.
3) Prune foliage regularly to aid visibility of your house sign.
4) Make sure that the colours in the house sign contrast the background to ensure that the sign is more clearly seen.
5) Speak to your neighbours about making their house signs clearer too as the emergency services will be looking up and down the street for your house.
6) Speak to your local shops and ask them to include their numbers on their signs.
Remember: by following the above guidelines you may be helping save lives.